Rachael Shares Her Rosacea, Hormone and Hashimoto Story!

I started to notice changes in my skin when I was 18. I had always been a “blusher” and anytime I was embarrassed or nervous, my whole face flushed red and would stay that way for hours.

My senior year of high school, I started developing little bumps all over my cheeks and forehead. I attributed these skin changes to being young and having raging hormones so, at that time, I treated my skin with topicals and over the counter products. Over the last 20 years, those little bumps and occasional flushes turned into full blown Rosacea. Name a product, and I have tried it! I literally tried everything: prescription topicals and pills, every “clean” product I could find to help tame the redness and lessen the pain. That’s one thing people may not consider about Rosacea; not only do you deal with "red face", but it HURTS! My skin felt like I had just returned from a month long vacation in the middle of the Sahara desert! It felt dry, sun and wind burned, sore. sensitive.

Over the years, this became such a huge burden on my self esteem. So much so that I used to cry about it a lot. I used to avoid doing certain things or being around people because I was so ashamed of how my skin looked.

Last year, I had my first call with Unique. She put together a healing protocol for my individual needs and I immediately went shopping for ALL of the beans. I’ve been 90/10 all in on the Bean Protocol since then and my skin looks NOTHING like it used to. I sat down yesterday with my Husband and we looked at the progress photos I had been taking over the last year and I was blown away. For the first time in so many years I feel comfortable enough in my own skin to leave the house without makeup. My skin doesn’t hurt anymore. The bumps are almost completely gone. When I do have a flare, it only lasts a short time. Feeling my body and my skin changing this last year has made me feel so more in tune with what works for me and what doesn’t. Rosacea was not the only issue that brought me to Unique, but it is one of the first things I noticed changing! I am also a hormone over-producer and in the last year, all of my numbers are down. My bloodwork is showing that my Hashimoto’s is leveling out slowly but surely. There is more work to be done but, HOT DAMN!! I’m on the road to recovery!

I wanted to share this for anyone who may be on the fence or for anyone who is in pain or at their wits' end. Don’t give up! This lifestyle is so healing and so nourishing. I’m excited to see and FEEL the changes to come. Forever grateful for you, Unique. Being part of this community has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Looking forward to seeing it grow and prosper. Much love and light to you and yours.

Rachael Zedlitz