Posts tagged thyroid
Rachael Shares Her Rosacea, Hormone and Hashimoto Story!

I started to notice changes in my skin when I was 18. I had always been a “blusher” and anytime I was embarrassed or nervous, my whole face flushed red and would stay that way for hours.

My senior year of high school, I started developing little bumps all over my cheeks and forehead. I attributed these skin changes to being young and having raging hormones so, at that time, I treated my skin with topicals and over the counter products. Over the last 20 years, those little bumps and occasional flushes turned into full blown Rosacea. Name a product, and I have tried it! I literally tried everything: prescription topicals and pills, every “clean” product I could find to help tame the redness and lessen the pain. That’s one thing people may not consider about Rosacea; not only do you deal with "red face", but it HURTS! My skin felt like I had just returned from a month long vacation in the middle of the Sahara desert! It felt dry, sun and wind burned, sore. sensitive.

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