Your Tastebuds Are A**holes!!?

 What!? How the hell do I know if your tastebuds are a**holes?? I don't. Your tastebuds are a**holes" is my NEW BOOK!! And it's just an inconvenient truth for how most of us live our lives. Our tastebuds live for pleasure without much thought for the rest of our body or longevity of our health. Why? Because flavor is king and longevity of health is BORING. Besides, that's a future self-problem, right? But, is eating only for pleasure a future you benefit? Prob not.

Eight years ago today I realized I could no longer pretend something wasn't seriously wrong. It was my birthday, and my husband popped open a bottle of my favorite champagne to celebrate. I caught a whiff and immediately got that clammy feeling all over my body as if I might hurl. Yes, my reaction was that strong. I asked him to put it away, and I held my stomach like a mother holds her sick child. Mindlessly rocking and stroking my aching insides. I felt lost and scared.

I was raised to be a health-conscious human, but the moment I left home I disregarded everything I learned. I gave my tastebuds the reign, and the wild carpet ride of sensory pleasure began. Years later it came to a grinding halt when my tummy grumbles turned into a relentless scream. My body had thrown up warning flags regularly. But I ignored them all. My mouth was a spoiled, petulant brat and stopping the pleasure ride was not part of the agenda.

Only when the pain was louder than my excuses, did I realize I needed to change everything. I had to do the adult thing and teach my tastebuds to help instead of hinder.  I looked far and wide. I turned over every stone researching my choices, and all roads led to food. Yep, not drugs or surgeries. Food. Bonkers. And yet, fitting. We are made from the materials we shove into our mouths.  Our stomach begins the churning, and the intestines extract all the nutrients from our food to help feed the cells in our body. Pretty amazing. Not to mention that these here pipes are also involved in the detox process, so If I'm eating toxic junk and making bad choices, it only makes sense that at some point my intestines would get sick. Sick and tired of my bullshit. 

I wrote this book to give those suffering from Crohn's hope. I wrote this book about my journey of how I retrained my **hole tastebuds and healed my gnarly, ass Crohn's. It was not an easy path, and at times I felt downright mad for even attempting it. But from where I sit now, with all my insides intact and a cabinet empty of prescriptions, I feel pretty damn good. 
Interested in my book? Follow the link.

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