Hannah's IVF Testimonial.

Leading up to  IVF my husband and I did 9 months of The Bean Protocol. We each did a call with Unique and she tailored individual plans for us which we followed with great dedication. Not only was IVF successful, but I had a very easy experience with the medication, injections, egg retrieval and embryo transfer. I had none of the usual complaints you hear of like mood swings or severe bloating. 

I continued with TBP throughout my entire pregnancy only a little less strict. Every single blood test and check up was perfect. My anemia was healed, I felt energetic and had no nausea! 

Beyond the physical aspect, I believe there was something incredibly healing on a spiritual level about delving into the protocol in preparation for our baby. The emotional toll of facing infertility was heavy and the commitment to taking care of ourselves gave us a wealth of strength, clarity and gratitude. Our journey wasn’t easy but I am proud that our daughter was brought into the world with such intention. 

I am writing this on my phone while my baby girl sleeps in my lap. She was built on beans and is absolutely thriving. Thank you Unique and thank you beans!! 

— Hannah