This spring join me for
an Online Group Experience of

A 12 Week Live Gut and Hormone
Healing Experience


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can you relate?

You know when you wake up and feel like you’re firing on all cylinders?

What if that were every day instead of just a handful of days each month?

Managing the day instead of thriving is a common experience for many women.

We’re not taught how to nourish ourselves at a level that promotes thriving. And often times, we can feel like we’re searching for solutions in the dark.

  • If you find yourself fatigued at the end of your work day with no energy for your dreams, friends, or family.

  • If you feel like your moods are disrupting the balance of your day.

  • If you find yourself on an emotional rollercoaster each month.


The group experience

This supportive 12 week container is meant to hold you while you literally rebalance hormones, habits, beliefs, and imbalances that are consistently taking you outta the game of your life.


This experience will show you:

  • It doesn’t have to be expensive to invest in your health.

  • You don’t have to suffer from the health issues in your family.

  • Your hormonal health and gut health aren’t as complicated as it feels - there are solutions. Simple ones.

There are ups and downs that come with leaning into your body’s natural cycles, and connecting the dots between your gut health and overall well being.

The solutions might be simple - but the path to adopting new habits - can feel overwhelming AF.

Most of us have a lifetime’s worth of habits we’ve adopted, people in our lives who have influence our food choices, misinformation we’ve all ingested, and time spent being sold quick fixes that end up causing more issues than they solve.

During our time together

We will spend 3 months (the amount of time it takes for new cells to generate in the endocrine system) slowing down long enough to:

  • Get present to the food we eat and how it feels in our body (not just in the moment, but afterwards)

  • Look at our health not as a chore, but as an act of self love.

  • Truly understanding our body and what happens every month in its hormonal shifts.

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It’s time to

Develop life-long habits that can support you in:

  • Balancing hormonal imbalances such as: acne, painful periods, bouts of depression, PCOS, support with fertility, and anxiety.

  • Caring for your gut health, so that you can cleave more nutrients from the food you’re already eating.

  • Access natural energy and vitality, instead of relying on external stimulants that work against your nervous system.

Since you and I both know that there’s no such thing as a quick fix, I’m here to give you realistic expectations and 3 months of group support on your personal ascent toward long-term hormonal health and healing.

Your journey here will be unique. Your major breakthroughs will happen in their own time. And I’ll be here to remind you that’s normal.


The invitation to take care of our bodies is also an invitation to self love.


This is for you if…

  • You want to develop a toolkit for your best health, today, tomorrow, and always.

  • You’re curious to move beyond a skin deep approach or interest in your well being.

  • You want to understand how to live in balance (instead of swinging between highs and lows)

  • You want to know how to take care of yourself beyond a reliance on medications and quick fixes.

  • You recognize stress as having a big and negative impact on your health, and you want to understand how to use food to live better in a stressful world.

  • You want to experience what it means to detox naturally and begin building strong habits for a healthy life.

  • You would love to be part of a close knit group of people that support each other in creating and sustaining your best health.