Posts in Great Stories
My Great Story

About ten years ago now I had some transient tummy troubles that I of course ignored, and after a few twist and turns, they quickly tumbled into full-blown Crohns. Initially, I consulted alternative and natural methods. While they offered insights, they just couldn't get a handle on my rapidly declining health. So I did the adult thing and turned to a Gastroenterologist.

As with most doctors, they sucked a pint of blood in search of answers. Nothing showed up. Per the doctor's advice, I did a few rounds of exploratory antibiotics to see it was an infection or parasite. Although against my upbringing, I was desperate and willing to try anything to relieve the pain.

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Great Story: K.S.

Finding and working with Unique has been such a blessing. She has patiently guided me through the three steps forward, two steps back, the process of bringing my gut to a stable place. She was always just a text away, and her conviction and trust in the process always made me feel like I was in the best of hands. Thank you so much, Unique!

— K.S.

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Great Story: Cystic Acne, PMS, Weight Loss

I still eat beans 2 times per day and add husk 2x per day, but I got a bit more flexible with everything. At the moment I do have a small cup of matcha or black tea and fruit every day and, occasionally, I eat sugar. Although I love nuts, I don’t eat them often and I feel like I don’t need them for energy. I still cannot believe that just one coaching call with Unique and "a few beans“ can make such a difference in my overall health and how good I now feel. I really cannot recommend enough to give TBP a try!

Thank you so much for your work and how easy you make it for people to start TBP!

— Monika

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Great Story: fertility, weight loss

I grew up in a health-conscious family so always considered myself 'healthy' and armed with enough knowledge about how to support my health. But after suffering from weight, adrenal fatigue, thyroid and other associated issues my entire life I got fed up constantly feeling like I had a limited amount of energy that I had to use sparingly and that no matter how much I exercised and how well I thought I ate, I was always carrying a few extra pounds. I had also spent most of my 20s in and out of every possible functional doctor / naturopath / acupuncturist / healer, none of which ever made a difference to my health so by the time I found Unique I was really looking for another way.

I had a false start on the bean protocol in Feb 2020 in that I did it for a month, felt some benefits and then life got in the way and I slipped back into my usual habits. Fast forward to May 2020, I had a miscarriage followed by 5 months of rapidly declining health, an inability to conceive again after falling pregnant on the first go and spent thousands on doctors and health professionals who could not figure out what was going on. Exasperated, I reached out to Unique (who was so amazingly supportive, empathetic and understanding of the hole I was in) and got myself back on the protocol. My digestive system improved almost overnight and my cycle came back after a month. Three months into the protocol, we conceived and I'm now 14 weeks pregnant!

My relationship with food has totally changed thanks to Unique and The Bean Protocol. I now see food as medicine and although I still have some way to go, I feel so empowered and so lucky to know I have the tools to continue supporting my healing journey. Unique is incredible, you know she's walked in your shoes and understands how frustrating and hard the healing path can be. She's also not judgemental or forceful in her approach - she gently guides you in the right direction, helping you understand the impact food is having on the body so you learn how to make the best food and lifestyle decisions for you. She's also incredibly responsive to every little random thought or question. I'm so grateful to have found Unique and beans!

— Samantha, California

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Great Story: Angela

I cannot recommend Unique enough. If you are even 1% on the fence I would tell you that this could be the most life-changing decision you make! She's not selling supplements and throwing things at the wall to see what sticks (my experience with 4+ naturopaths, acupuncturists, and doctors) don't get me wrong, these practitioners are so helpful but the simplicity of the bean protocol is so refreshing. When you think about it, the average woman shouldn't need 10 supplements a day and needles all over your body to regulate your hormones. The BP is the answer. It's the 10000 year old method that we've lost our way from. Work with Unique! It will be the best decision you make. Your body will thank you. And I promise you won't gain weight if you've been paleo-shamed into fearing a chickpea :)

— Angela

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Great Story: Sarah B.

I started the bean protocol in November of 2020 but had my first call with Unique and received a personalized plan in mid-December. I was interested in the protocol mainly for hormonal issues. I had cramps, horrible PMS (especially emotional PMS), long/heavy periods, and cycles that were irregular and long — sometimes up to 40 days. I knew something was off, and Unique gave me a plan that worked like magic! It was hard work at first, especially giving up caffeine, but when I eventually went all in on the protocol, EVERYTHING changed for the better.

Hormonally, my cycles for the last five months have been 30-31 days like clockwork, NO cramps, NO emotional symptoms, and my period lasts about 4 days with light and healthy flow. I’ve never in my life experienced periods like this! It’s incredible. Beyond hormones, however, I am feeling better in so many other ways. I have always considered myself to be an anxious person, and for the first time in my life I feel CALM. Balanced. Nourished. Connected to my body. Before beans, I frequently had inflamed / loose stools / diarrhea, and that has completely healed as well. My tastebuds have shifted too. I find myself craving beans, and sugar and caffeine (something I was sure I couldn’t live without!) no long interest me at all. I also lost some extra lbs that I had put on during quarantine. I’m just feeling so good and so grateful to beans and to Unique’s support! Sending encouragement to anyone on this journey ❤️❤️❤️

— Sarah B.

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Great Story: Meagan R.

When I started working with Unique, I had been dealing with consistent IBS for 2+ years and I couldn’t pin point what was causing it — and I have tried absolutely everything you can imagine to figure it out. I never in a million years thought that my gut would tolerate, much less heal, with beans (a lot of beans) but alas I was willing to give anything a try. My husband and I were also trying to conceive our second baby and it was taking a lot longer than expected, especially since our first baby came on the first try. After following the protocol and some hand holding from Unique, not only have I not had a single IBS symptom in over a year (!!!) but I am presently 25 weeks pregnant with our second little love bug. A bean baby, because I ate bushels of them in the months before conceiving :) THANK YOU dear Unique, for all that you have done for me and so many others. Thank you for walking your walk and being such a wise and comforting light for so many. Our family is truly grateful.

— Meagan R. Hawaii

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Great Story: Lisa Larson

Knowledge, sincerity, humor, compassion, and just an all-around badass coach. Unique Hammond and her guidance in the bean protocol has shifted my health, and life, in a way that I wouldn't have believed if I had just read a review on the 'bean protocol'. I had my son at 40 and afterward could not get my health back into alignment. It was a dark 6 years until I came across Unique and her guidance. My cholesterol is back within the normal range, I have lost what I think to be all of my 'baby weight', and my hormones are back into balance. If you are curious about this protocol, Unique is your person, she is certainly mine!

Lisa Larson, Los Angeles

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Great Story: Sadie P.

As an almost 20 year old, I struggled with constant stomach issues and had tried many techniques and medicines to fix it. I am going into month four of being on the bean protocol and working with unique has been such an amazing experience. She has helped me shift the way I think about food and I am so grateful that our paths crossed. Her kind heart and motivation is what helped me get through the first 2 months! This protocol has changed the way I feel daily and has helped improve my life, thanks to Uniques guidance!

— Sadie P.

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Great Story: Ellie

I’m not sure where to begin, but I guess I’ll start with Unique’s incredible support and knowledge. As someone diagnosed with an autoimmune disease when I was 30, my habits were so deeply ingrained and hard to break. I had gone to several doctors with no real solutions or long term goals. For a year and a half, I suffered and crossed my fingers things would get better. It wasn’t until I found Unique’s book, Your Tastebuds Are A**holes when things started to change. When we connected on social media, it was as if someone turned the lights on. Unique has coached me through my food choices and how to balance my diet without judgment (including random texts like “Can I eat this?”) but more importantly, she related to me emotionally when my friends and family couldn’t. Autoimmune diseases suck, and they’re hard, but Unique reminds me every day that I’m not alone, and I can heal holistically. I feel good, my symptoms have subsided, and my body is thanking me. I can’t thank her enough for working with me and bringing me into the world of beans and healthy living! Unique has changed my life I mean every word! Thank you thank you thank you!

— Ellie

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Great Story: Allie

I have been suffering from Crohn’s disease for many years, but this last year I had a significant flare, and my world felt like it was crumbling down all around me. I was in such severe pain, had practically moved into my bathroom, and my good days were the ones where I could leave my house. I lost almost ten pounds off of my already petite frame, chipped a few teeth because of malnutrition since my body wasn’t digesting food or absorbing any nutrients. During this time, I was seeing a nutritionist who had me on an autoimmune protocol that I continued with for about eight months in conjunction with regular acupuncture treatments, but saw absolutely no improvement whatsoever! Along comes, Unique, and my life has been changed forever! A dear friend of mine read Unique’s book “Your tastebuds are a**holes” and then gifted it to me. I read it and immediately started on the protocol. In my eyes, if she put her own Crohn’s into remission, then I’d be a fool not to give it a shot. That was back in April, almost six months ago, and with Unique’s guidance and expertise and lots of patience on my part, I am healing my gut and slowly getting my life back! I feel so incredibly blessed and grateful to Unique and to my friend, who connected us! Unique Hammond is so kind, caring, and knowledgeable. Working with her is the best decision you can make for yourself, and we all deserve the very best! Wishing you all incredible blessings on your healing journey <3

— Allie K.

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Great Story: Juliette

Unique has helped up my health-game as well as my knowledge of wellness. Coming from a background with some health and wellness, I was able to take in Unique’s advice and funny wit to create an overall, better lifestyle for myself. Being family friends with Unique, I knew this was her passion, and she was going to do everything in her power to help as many people as possible. It all started with a nasty parasite from a Friendsgiving dinner…This was something I could not kick on my own, and that’s when I turned to Unique. She was able to get me on a strict diet and eliminate foods that would inflame the issue at hand. After a long month, I was feeling 100x better and couldn’t have done it without her. She was my guide and coach through this process, and she still helps me work on eating foods that work for me and my gut. She is truly an inspiration, friend, and someone I can trust with my health. It all starts with awareness of your body, and Unique has taught me to listen to my body and trust what I feel.

— Juliette, Los Angeles

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Great Story: Michelle

I worked with Unique but saw results that will last me the rest of my life. I’ve struggled with my health for the past 4 years after a series of stressful events that left me with an unbearable (and at times embarrassing) rash similar to eczema. The best thing about Unique is that SHE HAS BEEN THERE -- she gets chronic illness, she gets the frustration, she gets the second-guessing... she just gets it, which makes working with anyone so much easier. Within the first week all my inflammation has subsided, and even though weight loss was not a goal of mine, I lost 10 lbs of what I think was pure inflammation. My body felt like mine again. My rash subsided, with only a few flare-ups that happened when I went off course. She created a plan that was totally do-able. She was always there to talk, and always heard me out. I learned to treat food as nourishment, not habit, by working with her, which is the best thing ever. I couldn’t give a higher recommendation. She is in the journey with you -- knows her stuff, and will explore ALL sides of research. She is always learning, and teaches you along the way. What you’ll get with her is far more than a nutritionist or coach -- you get a researcher, a teacher, and she will never cheer from the sidelines, she will always run the race with you.

— Michelle, Los Angeles

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Great Story: Maryon

I receive comments on how good my skin looks, and I feel like I am growing younger from the inside out. I feel balanced and calm with a wonderful overall sense of wellbeing. An unintended consequence of the diet protocol was in helping me overcome my addictions, not only to sugar and all its forms but to unhealthy behaviors. I even gained the strength and clarity to leave a relationship that was not in my best interest. Best of all, I lost weight — the extra 15 lbs. I couldn’t shake no matter what I did were gone by the end of the 8 weeks. My body shed weight so quickly and easily. This diet has truly changed my life, and I am so grateful to it and Unique for her expert guidance and encouragement. I plan to be on this diet for the rest of my life as a lifestyle.

— Maryon, San Diego

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Great Story: W.B.

Unique has been a force in reprioritizing my health. Her graceful way of balancing education with empathy and humor motivates me to do better for both of us.I have a hiatal hernia, gluten intolerance, depression, and anxiety. I was in pain all the time, and my choices were increasingly more destructive. Luckily, learning the science behind those choices, along with some new thinking and Unique’s support, things have turned around. Today, I am acutely aware of how good I feel, and when I do get lost, I have the tools and support to pick myself back up.No matter how much you think you know about food and your gut, I challenge you to take an objective look at how you live. Check-in with yourself and be humble. Unique has so much to offer. Expert climbers still use sherpas. Unique has been my guide in this uphill battle, and the view from the summit is breathtaking.

— W.B. texas

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