You're Great Podcast- Ryan M- Healing story.

Episode 14: Healing Story w/ Ryan M.

Today's Podcast is a healing story from an Instagram LIVE I did with Ryan in 2020. Ryan began having symptoms in 2018 and was diagnosed with Crohn's soon after. Ryan started steroids and transitioned onto Remicade. It helped correct his downward spiral, but he was still struggling with gut and other health issues he wanted to clear up. At the urging of his wonderful girlfriend, he listened to my Podcast with Lacy Phillips on ToBeMagnetic, and Soon after, he started my e-course. At first, Ryan began the protocol loosely, and as he saw results, he decided to set up his first call and go all in. Ryan wanted to feel great, build healthy habits and go into remission. I hope you enjoy my conversation with Ryan, and I hope it inspires you along your healing path.