You're Great Podcast - Lacy Phillips

Episode 17- Lacy Phillips-Pregnancy prep.

Is this episode I sit down with my lovely client and friend Lacy Phillips to discuss prep for her son. We take a deep dive into her current bean protocol ® as well as what’s coming up for pathway members and so much more! Thank you for listening!

Lacy Phillips, founder of To Be Magnetic, is a global manifestation expert and speaker specializing in unblocking subconscious beliefs of unworthiness while expanding into alignment with what one is calling in. In 2019 To Be Magnetic launched The Pathway, a digital workshop membership program, centering on Lacy’s unique manifestation formula, rooted in basic psychology, neuroscience research, and her energetic gifts, which emphasizes creating new neural pathways and navigating lessons from The Universe. In the same year, To Be Magnetic launched The EXPANDED Podcast, a top-charting podcast, hosted by Lacy, reaching over 3 million listeners in its first year.

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